
Minou’s Motoko GITS CBBE Bodyslide

Minou’s Motoko Gits 8 + Colors CBBE Bodyslide 4k Textures




This is 4k textures the mod is ***2.4GB*** once Extracted


How To Get

Get Them  With the AWKCR or Armor Extended plugins
or in Console  Hit ~ to open
Type Help GITS 4 to get item ID use Page up/down to scroll
To Add Once You Found ID Type in
player.additem itemID 1 <–Number of item you want


Credits to
Oninigma Original Work


* * * DOWNLOAD * * *


Support me On Patron !


Categories:   Clothing, Fallout 4


  • Posted: 09/16/2019 20:33


    Reuploaded All, or i think Of my Fallout 4 Stuff on so far so i will fix 7+ links on the fallout 4 Download links they should also be up soon But i do not have time for the rest which i do not even know if it works or not i think anything prior to FO4 was on Mediafire which even if i cannot pay for it which means i cannot add anything to it anymore well i think... or more like hope because i have wayyyy too much work done lol.. otherwise well i will try to remember to launch a Folder upload atleast everynight when i go to sleep and hm... i might restart doing FO4 retextures, i do not have the time or the healrth or the will do to real full mods anymore... but... even though it can still easily take 100h+ per armor due to how OCD AF i am and how i add everything in CK and make everything tooo clean for no reason.. But atleast... i do like FO4 unlike all my other work i never used... i never played fo4 cause i cannot afford dlc and nobody felt that funding me to get it to in return most likely get 5000h+ of my life in work well ya then Bethesda... shown their true colors so... i been trying not to have a deeeeeeep lifetime depression about all my fkin work meaning nothing.. and me not and never have had time to enjoy any of it myself.. And since its been a long time well there is aloooot of nice looking armors, that i just want my Waifu OCD on it to feel the kawaii because i need a Massive fkin dose lately.. and well if i only do retextures like a cheap ass, i normally do 8 colors x3 + variation like the bikini's i really enjoyed actually starting to use logo's on clothing so id be up to do some of that so erm... feel free to request an armor mod for FO4 you would like to get "Minoufied" xD and hey for once i will be an ass... for me to remotely consider your request... you must be a patron yep.. for once i am not fkin gona kill myself for you people i am done and have nothing left to give you since i lost everything even if it is only 1 $.. atleast it wont make me feel like i am giving a bunch of mtfkin freeloading ungrateful assholes my fkin life that they then turn around and spam troll report me everywhere if 25000h+ of my work and a chance to get a 100h + worth of retexture request is not worth 1$ to you... well go fuck a fkin dick, i now realise losing my teeth,health,apartment and alllll my childhood shit due to you people fkin not giving a shit.. was truly... NOT WORTH IT... so if you have anyyyy fkin problem with that... you truly are a scum of this fkin earth and seriously go fuck yourself with sandpaper and barbara Streisand you fkin people didnt even BOTHER TO JUST TALK TO ME... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBODY so... get me fo4 dlc or patreon up and if it is a FEMALE ONLY armor then sure Otherwise... STFU over 15 million times people downloaded my work.. and that is only what i could trace in the first place... nvm all the websites who stole my entire projects and charge paid support... meaning they made and still make more for any single one of my releases that i never even did for all 25000h together so TLDR Be nice and i might slowly restart Be ungrateful assholes and i will fkin stretch you up like no fkin tomorrow
  • Posted: 09/09/2019 02:08


    url not wirking
    • Posted: 09/13/2019 19:01


      sorry i really do not have time to even try to find my work on my 10tb of website hoarding i am homeless and plagued with bad luck which not receiving my o nly source of payment is one of them so i am lets say starving and barely living right now and my mods is by far the main culprit to my horrible life situation so i want to avoid having to think about it at all but i had no idea i had some downloads on openload... shitty ad spamming shit preventing me from uploading my videos since past year.. so.. i will make a mega account or something since my mediafire has not been paid for 2 years i cannot ad stuff on it But ya... not before a week or 2 sadly unless it tickles me in the back of the mind.. which i assume it will..since i am ocd has fk.. if ii do ill upload what i can and update it in chat or something ♥
